Feldan Therapeutics


Feldan Therapeutics




Product Evaluation, KOL Advisory, Regulatory Strategy, Target Product Profile, Market Assessment, Development Plan, Investor Pitch, Business Plan & Corporate Prospectus




To conduct a detailed business model analysis and competitive profile, including market & competitive analyses, business model compatibility, financial forecasting, and target product profiles.

“[The] Novateur team has been a tremendous help for us to achieve a transition from a technology company to a therapeutic company. They are a deeply experienced team and it is easy and fun working with them… they genuinely care about your project.”

Dr. Francois-Thomas Michaud
CEO, Feldan Therapeutics


Platforms can have multiple business models for revenue and success. How do you choose the best possible model?

Feldan Therapeutics retained Novateur Ventures to conduct a detailed business Model analysis and competitive profile including:
A. Competitive market analysis
B. Analysis of possible Business Model(s)
C. Financial forecast (revenue generation/discounted cash flow) for Business Models
D. Developing Feldan’s presentation deck to potential investors

To accomplish the above the Novateur team also completed the following:
1. Evaluate competitive space for technology
2. Define Client’s Business Models
3. Perform SWOT analysis for Business Models
4. Develop target product profile for Client’s two lead products in development
5. Perform revenue forecast and discounted cash flow projection for Business Models

Our support for Feldan has continued to this day. Feldan has successfully completed a Series A round led by several VC and international pharmaceutical companies.


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